Here I am doing a quick update on the Miller's last two months. As you have seen Mother and Father had a blessed two week trip to Africa in January during which time their lone children went to basketball games, covered all things in chocolate, enjoyed visitors from Ohio, and did all things a little unusual. We were very ready for their return. :)
Family photo before Mother and Father departed. |
It was certainly hard for this little lady to actually say "goodbye". On that first night (and several others) there were tears for Mommy. |
I most assuredly enjoyed running the kitchen, though juggling that with photography and all else made me SO grateful when another woman returned to the kitchen. Here is our little dinner after the boys got back from playing basketball with friends.
My apron never had so much chocolate on it as when the parents were gone. I covered everything in chocolate! :) |
I thought I should probably put a "crazy meal" picture on as well since there were many of those days, and more dishes undone then there normally is. :) |
I braid sister's hair and we take pictures of everything for Mom and Dad. ;) |
For the past three years all the brothers have been able to play on the same basketball team, and I speak for all when we say we are all very excited when basketball season comes. It's simply my favorite to watch them play. Mother and Father missed lots of games but a friend got them all on video for them to watch later. |
When was it again that Kyle got such long legs? |
Grace is the official Miller Brothers Water Girl. :) She thrives in this like you wouldn't believe. :) Here she is going for a quick refill. ;) |
Prayers offered in thanks. They were able to play with two friends from church this year. They were undefeated. |
What fun it was to have some of our dearest friends from Ohio come to visit us while Mother and Father were gone! Here we are on a White Oke Mountain. (More on their time at our place coming soon on my blog) |
And then the parents return and we are so grateful!
We had such fun having pizza, chatting, and playing games and basketball one evening at our church with the Wissmann family. |
And here are the dear parents. |
Here's a through-the-window picture of orientation for the S.C. prison crusade that personally was more to me than ever before this year. So much took place on this weekend in my life, in all of ours. We were all very honored to be able to minister in this way again. |