Visiting Friends...
So it's Saturday afternoon and upon returning to the City from our Resort with the GTo staff,we all unloaded our bags at the Mission House where Gary and Lisa were serving as house parents and went to find lodging for our last night in Chang Mia.Lloyd Esh's were also looking so we looked around for the best deals together.Here we are outside new modern one we did not choose because of price,and observe by the front entrance....
Lloyd was preceding us with the Bike to check accommodations,while Dave drove and MaryEllen and I walked...
We found a lovely Oriental room .
Next we were picked up by a lovely couple,Raymond and Naomi Burkholder and we went to see there lovely abode shown here,where Luke Kuepfers used to live and the small office is to the left,not in photo.
I was intrigued by their "garbage pots" made from recycled tires,many times most of it is sooted thru by passerby's with only a few items left for the garbage pickup.When the garbage is picked up aman sites on the back sorting and going thru the different categories in which to pile it on in his pickup bed.
Their daughter,Janna was just leaving for a social event...
next we stopped in at Rick Rhodes to pick up a Package to Renita's brothers in the states.Alovely home they have,complete with pet bunnies,I think it was, in a cage in the front lawn.
We failed to talk to Rick that day for he was busy getting the grounds prepared for their first ACE Convention in Asia!Warm Kitchen...
Was Good to see some of your faces on their refrigerator on the other side of the sphere.
Charming Parlor..
Next Raymonds took us to Tour the 4 story IGO building. And there we found some men we knew.Gaylord being the 1st.
Here is the Rooms where Mr. Barkman will be Pastoring the Church body,on either the 2 or 3 rd floor up.They have natives attending as well as U.S. IGO staff,students,etc.Naomi BurkholderCooks downstairs for many .
Here are the Boys Bunks when they come for Bible School,I was pointing out the unique row of many plain sinks and mirrors in a row,picturing the young men getting ready or shaving there each morning."Kinda Madeleine style",for those of you who read those books to your children.They intentionally didn't put air conditioning upstairs in the bunk rooms and class room for character building,the teachers sweat right along with the students:).
Now,they say they will take us to a 5 story Mall for supper.
Here we get an education on culture...imagine my husband's response to this "known rule",if all the parking spaces are taken,you can park horizontally in front or back of parked ones and just leave your car in neutral! So here,the men are helping woman out by taking away the wedge of wood by the car's tires and pushing it way so the lady can leave.
There are more bikes in the parking lot than cars and they all got rained on while were inside.
After hilariously watching Raymond try to tell the Hostess how to write "Burkholder",he proceeded to write it himself,being his friendly,passionate, radical self all the while.
This was our view as we waged to be seated on the top floor of this grand Mall.WE had a fine dining at a Santa Fe steakhouse,Asian style.
We were dropped off at the "Night Market" where we had the adventure of dashing from booth to booth bargaining in the rain with these our fun Hosts!It was our only and last day in the city and to get any souveniers. The Lord answered our prayers to quickly find each of our children one Asian gift to bring back. Mark and Betty Yoder,Board Members and traveling partners.Gary Gingerichs and Llloyd Eshes.
How to get back to our Motels? They said a TUT TUT. Here goes, one per couple..
Here Gary's are in theres while we crawl up in ours,sounds like a maytag motor when they take off, a motorbike with a full seat behind.We laughed and waved to each other as we wove thru night traffic all in pouring Rain,great memories.Ask Lloyd what you do at Lights?Our dear little driver...
Sunday Morning visited a Thia Believer's Church together.
The Worship team..The front guy knew at least 5 or 7 languages if I remember right.
The pastor's sweet daughter playing keyboard...
A time of greeting and singing...
Pastor and his interpreter,Lloyd was asked to preach in 2 weeks.Most of these ar enew converts within last 2 years,so Lloyds may have mentoring here as part of their mission in the city,strong family models needed.
They graciously fed all of us afterwards!
Visitting with a German man and his wife. (Sorry MarEllen:)
Went out back to see who and where the do all the cooking,found em,looks like their youth.
We were treasuring our last days with these dear families we're used to being with several times a year and now might not see in person again for years. Was good to be able to see where they will be laboring and finishing raising their children.
This was the dishwasher and these 2 girls were stacking them neatly to dry in the sun.Another observation I made similar to Africa countries,no paper products used no matter how big the crowds.
A cable man or electrition's nightmare,this is how the lines looked everywhere,this particular one outside the beautiful,grand house Lloyds were looking at.
Here we are leaving the church,piling in back of truck,saying our farewells to our newly made friends to go see the House they were praying about buying,American owner built.Inside the Grand house with the guest room outside,MaryEllen desired ,but they have felt led to buy one in another village,much smaller,since then.
This was the front courtyard,guest house on right,hardly any yard out back.
Upon arriving back at the Main Mission House again ,Gaylord and Celesta picked us up to take us to their new abode for the evening, we were delighted.This is their front entrance porch leading into the kitchen.
And here is my dear friend,Celesta cooking us supper,notice all the spices that came with God's package of providing them furnished house! The owner and his wife can't leave Australia and so gaylords needed to put in storage what they don't want,frustrating to have to go thru someone's stuff,(Celesta felt like crying at first, since that's what they had been doing in the states with their stuff the months!)but nicely furnished blessing in spit of work, in the end!)
Cherie slices us some wonderful fresh sweet Pineapple from the Basement Market at the Mall while Gaylord was either doing the chicken breasts or popcorn,it was so tasty to have something familiar for our taste buds again,altho Dave and I both thoroughly enjoyed all their cuisine and culture during those 11 days.
Sweet Chloe keeping Dave company,while supper is prepared,notice the China Hutch also left for them.God is Good.
View from living room into Dining area,during day they open doors and windows and ceiling fans pull warm air up thru the windows on top,which Gaylord and his young men and scrubbed years of dirt off of earlier that week.
Now Chloe takes me into her daddy's office on one side (I believe all the owner's papers and books had been still strewn around here when they bought it.) But wait,listen to tis glory story,the women had to leave their sewing machine in the states,on the top of the left cabinet that white thing is an electronic deluxe sewing,embroidery machine!!!Haleluia.
and Chloe's bedroom on this side...:)Here she shows me a gift given to her . I think; and the reason she is standing showing me her new room in Asia. Tears.
Wonderful people serving a wonderful Lord in a faraway place.
Truly Homey.
The King and his queen's Quarters.
P.S.Ask Gaylord about the Theft Proof Wardrobe on the left if he hasn't.
This is their view from the bed!
Which when we walk out past the porch swing takes us over to the Older Children's rooms,part of the house.This is the boys dorm,a trundle bed pulls out from underneath,and being they were in need of sheets, Michael did not want me seeing the cartoons that were on the mattresses,so we did not pull it out for the picture.Now we walk outside to go into the last door on the left...
The young ladies' rooms! Cherie using the perfect new quilt mother had brought for herself then,gave it to her,upon realizing the walls were lavender in here. Chloe showing me where dear Christie has to climb up and down the bamboo ladder to attain her "Lofty Room", up ladders.:)
And yes,The Lord knew Cherie needed and wanted a writing desk,after leaving hers behind,how perfect! Reminded me of Jo's desk in Little Women.
Loren and daughters had stopped in for popcorn,so they're all waiving for Deborah who couldn't come.
I almost had great story about the fang mouth Lizard on the outside of the girl's shower glass,till I realized it had moth in it's mouth:).
After a fulfilling evening of laughter and tears,(with them, what's new)we proceeded back to get our luggage...
For the long flights east.Dave checking out of our Hotel with more signs and motions to the friendly little receptionist.The continental breakfast that Sunday morning had been cajun shrimp Ramen noodles,white pastries,and Milo (Hot chocolate) or tea.Yikes on empty carbs.
I will leave off there,for it's loading and leaving day for the next tour to Pa and Columbiana,Ohio revival Meetings for a week.and thou shalt be ready to leave on time. Next blog should include last (all night stuck in Chang Mia airport) ,and Snowy South Korea extra night's stay.It was all such privilege and opportunity we thank God for.