Since our last blog post there was a bit more traveling and a bit of at home life that happened before the delights of this past weekend.
Mother and I became more and more excited as the time approached for the Women's Conference. There was lots of work to be done and we had such fun in doing it.
We'll start with a few preparation photos.
Planting the centerpieces as I listen to online photography workshops.
We simply used the same wheat we use to grind fresh for our baked goods, soaked/started the sprouting process in jars, and then planted them on the plates with wet paper towels. After they were laid in the plates we continued to spray them throughly over the next week. (We also throughly prayed over them!) Sometimes I added baking soda to my water so that it would kill any bacteria.
I was very grateful to Lori Wengered for assisting me in planting about half the the centerpieces!
Tues. night before the Women's Conference a wonderful group of ladies came to our place to do some crafting for the conference decorations. So grateful for their creative help!
Loading up! (We practically moved to the church!)
I told several people last week, "You can't run a women's conference without men!" My Dad, Brothers, and other men from GEET were indispensable!
Thursday Evening
Registration and coffee drinks!
The Ice Coffee Ladies, all ready for action.
Meet and greet time
Opening and blessing by Brother Nelson. So sweet.
Prayer of blessing over the speakers
Drama by Viv Stoltzfus :)
"Loveliness in your Lifestyle" by Mother
Cupcake bar after a light supper.
"My Journey to Rest" by Debbie Overholt
Sarah had all the ladies find one lady they didn't know and make them their partner for the week. The first assignment was to tell your life story in 2 min. :)
"Wounds Heal" by Sarah Coblentz
Oh…lunch time. Have I mentioned we have amazing Caterers?
I so appreciate all the young ladies who helped me get details ready before each meal.
Another drama by Naomi Yoder
Sweet praise.
Maryann blessed us with two beautiful songs she wrote.
Maryann Kauffman shared her story that most of us have watched from a distance over the past year. There wasn't a dry eye in the house (though we also laughed). There was such grace as the Lord poured through her that afternoon.
Bontrager sisters blessed us with their beautiful singing.
"Never Alone" by Martina Schlabach
The joy of the Friday Evening dessert bar!
Our church ladies did a wonderful job of making all this deliciousness!
These girls were busy helping all weekend! Such sweet beings, they are.
Lovely music by the Mullett sisters
Coffee and mingling
Sweet drama by Naomi Yoder
Worship time. Annie Hostetler and her team did such a beautiful job!
Recognition time! The Caterers got a standing ovation! :)
AMAZING sound booth people. These ladies worked super hard that weekend!
AMAZING sound booth people. These ladies worked super hard that weekend!
"Find Hope and Healing, When Life Hurts" By Cindy Mullett
One by one we cast our burdens "on slip of folded paper" onto the carved wooden "hand "up front at the altar table, refreshed by the reality that Jesus can carry and take care of all of them.
(Mother's caption. She always edits the blog and here added her thoughts. :))
A final time of blessing with your partner.
Sarah told us we would have a "Sweet surprise" at the end of the conference. Most of us didn't know what it was! And who would have thought…Ryan Bomgardner! He had us rolling in our seats and then in tears. It was a perfect way to end.
And a lovely brunch to finish
Three ladies so dear to my heart. :) Such a treat to have them here this past weekend!
Later that afternoon, after everything was had been tore-down and cleaned up, I stepped into the sanctuary one last time. I still felt His presence there. I wanted to cry. Ladies faces flashed through my mind. I remembered the alter times…the times of worship, prayer and laughter. And then all one can say is, "Thank you Lord."
Such a sweet and precious weekend.
"May the God of HOPE fill you with al joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"
-Romans 15:13
Posted by Deborah