Cherishing the memories made and how God worked in and among us during our services at Cornerstone Mennonite Assembly in Ohio. This is Sunday morning "speaking words of life" to one another.
Where there's Troyer men, there are instruments to be played....During our time there the girls got to babysit my sister Marlene's children while us sisters and mom did a coffee outing.
Being able to hang out my laundry on my sister Martha'a line while she tills her garden was a rare treat in experiencing a little bit of her "everyday backyard "life.
This is the part of our young men's life that most of you don't see; construction or masonry under the hot southern sun. inspiring visit from The Vernon Troyer Household's young men and ladies for the weekend!
Fun times of music,participating in a Abbeville Volleyball Tournament, swapping adventures and God "interventions"in witnessing stories.
Two ways of receiving fulfillment is; ministering and being ministered to.
Our annual week of Input at the Nashville Family Conference was all of that once again.We received challenges from testimonies and The Word and encouragement as well thru singing,sharing and drama.Our whole family usually has time of resetting goals,priorities and praying into "vision" God has placed in each of our hearts.Here is Three of them ready for early morning classes.

Fellowship with like minded believers has huge part in our youth staying encouraged to attempt by God's grace to "walk upon the straight and narrow". We also realize and thank God for all the diversities of People God has placed in our lives,knowing that we learn something valuable from each one. Grateful;Ruth Ann for the Clan