Saturday, October 31, 2015

Georgia Revival

Montezuma Tent Revival 
We were glad to have Jameson Road join on the 1st weekend...

The youth spent many late night after services in Fellowship,making memories ours will always cherish.

One service focused especially for  local children who were picked up or could come out.

 Pre-service prayer meetings.

We enjoyed the locals who lead us in singing and worship several evenings.

Red Tie Resort
Pastor Milton sharing in the opening of service.
The sweet fruits of a contrite heart in many, often resulted in honest confessions,brokenness and repentance  thru-out the" Body"of Christ.

The Altar became a very friendly place for all ages...

Eugene has the responsibility of taking care of all the recording and copying of the nightly messages to compile into albums.Here he has" his little assistant" joining him.

.Sisters take time to choose words for their thoughts for each other during Dave's after sermon-"non-optional "time of Speaking Words of Life" for all who attended that evening.
Tears are often the result of evidence of the sweet blessings that reach deep into the hearts' need for affirmation and honor

After service music...

Saturday Morning Woman's gathering at Greg and Hannah's  house.After sharing; Analyzing what "season of color" the women are according,to skin undertones,hair and eyes.

"I've been to river and been baptized,I've been washed in the Blood of the Lamb!"...we gathered at the pond Sunday morning for the baptism of several upon their repentance and confessions of faith that week from the  youngest convert to the oldest who was delivered and healed 

We are so grateful for all your warm welcomes, generous hospitality and Fellowship in The Spirit.Your openness to what God Had for us that week,made for an anointed week of experiencing  His Spirit change and inspire all of us.
Upon Arrival back in North Carolina; our home surroundings had turned beautiful hues of orange,reds and yellow and the boys got busy cleaning up the accumulated leaves etc.

Autumn Joys; Ruth Ann for the Miller Seven

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Spring & Summer 2015

Spring 2015 Evangelistic Services
Annual Florida Gospel Express Auction/Singing and Preaching at Pine Craft Park

 Allison Bontrager flies for a visit.
A late night game of settlers in attempt to celebrate Kyle's 17th birthday as siblings during a revival week.
Taking time to speak BLESSINGS between family members during our week of Revival meeting at The Cleveland Fellowship in North Carolina.
What exciting things The Spirit was doing night after night.
God meeting us during Altar times during our very meaningful time at the Bethel revival services...

Youth night at Pastor Steve's place...

The showcase of Lunch before anyone dug into it's "Holmes County excellence" on our taste pallettes!
Truly, a feast for kings...I guess we are sons and daughters of "One"! Many saints wait for these things till glory, where calories don't "bunch up on you".

This wraps up the Spring/ Summer Revival meetings,so I can share the Fall ones next...each one has been a faithbuilding, growing experience, rich with quality fellowship for our family.God has been so faithful and merciful and meeting us once again.