This first part of this summer's 6 week western tour began by heading northward thru Michigan and into the Canadian Providences where we had scheduled services heading westward toward the Seattle Port for The Sail and Sing Alaskan Cruise.

As we were preparing to embark the eldest daughter was thinking. What can we take to make this old bus feel fresh and homey with it's 90's interior?
That "gospel sawdust trail under the Big Top feel" is always refreshing as families from many churches fill the tent on warm summer nights. Dorchester,Wisconsin.
I was very entertained to observe the preschool curly haired cousins openly and delightfully attempting to catch the eyes of their "Shirley Temple adorable-like" younger cousin
The art of complete strangers finding a common interest to talk about.
When parks are your office and "out".
When mom wants to put up a sign; We came here ,"For the WIFI."
Picture Butte, Alberta.
When your bunk is your room.
On a Waterton Park peak in Ontario.
Celebrating the view from the top after a pretty intense incline of a hike with the youth group and Pastor friends from Prairie Christian fellowship in Magrath, Alberta.
We had left in May on the day of our 25th anniversary and so tried to remember to be in a "celebrating us" mode thereafter.
Enjoying the fellowship with the saints from the quaint, stained glass church in Magrath.
Canadian Homemade pies in one of the most well presented and displayed carry-ins.
Deborah's turn to nestle in beside the driver heading into the sunset towards the Montana crossing of the U.S. Border.
When you are miles from anyone you know on a Sunday night. Just the seven of you. Yet, you rest in that,you are known. Known by Him who formed all this.
Posted by: Ruth Ann