Although we've been home and have led very eventful lives since,I could blog about,I want to take time to share some of the photos and memories yet of our many experiences on the Western Tour.This post is focused on our 2 weeks in Oregon. By the way,when I'm not on the computer or you don't see any activity by us on facebook it's a good thing .This means
we are hopefully prioritizing our goals and are occupied with other wholesome things and real relationships as well as physically carrying out Kingdom work at home or abroad and have no time for technological ramblings.These things can be profitable,but usually should be last priority unless for needed communication or response.So since we're on a "staycation"as Janice Miller called it, I'm taking time to sit and blog between laundry foldings....and enjoying it.
During the tour at one of our services,we enjoyed this beautiful scenery behind the stage at Rock of Ages Nursing Home in McVinnville,Oregon.
Now for the day and a half at the Pacific coast, first time for our children.
Now for the day and a half at the Pacific coast, first time for our children.
The children left their mark and made memories as they wrote messages in the sand ...
and threw Frisbee and Football in the coastal fog...
I'm sure their was a meaning to this free spiritited leap across the line..enquire with the sisters.
Misty Meditations.
From the grassy slope above we watch the siblings sing songs together on a cliff below...
Now back to Mainland,work and services...we enjoyed this evening of a small gathering in Oregon,tho it twas a bit warm with trying to catch a breeze thru opening windows.
Many discussions of each ones day and sharing memories happened while setting up and tear down each evening.
Gracie would help Alisha with setting up the Discount Cd table along with other motorhome domestics, running erands for us and watching the little Mullett girls type of responsibilities.
Now if you ever visit the Albany part of Oregon,going to The BoMack's resteraunt is a worthy experience.It's not only the food I'm talking about.This family as young Christian parents started attending a little Mennonite Church,that Todd Neuswander pastored back then and to make a long story short they all run this resteraunt now with their 6 older children as a ministry,homeschool their children,ladies wear skirts and a "babushky",and they minister and sing if someone rings the dinner bell.She is a lady with a huge heart but speaks truth straight,and is a hilarious story teller.She says she's only funny to people that don't have T.V.:)
Oh,and our most precious hosts while in Oregon for 2 weeks were Larry and Margaret Warfel.To anyone who knows them I need say no more.But for those who don't,they together as a beautiful radiant team give and give to way is having young vs"er boys & girls come work on their Grass seed farm during the Harvest and girls only drive his combines.They live, work, feed and disiciple these together to the point that while we were there twice, married ones with their families of former youth harvestors were there for a great meal of fresh caught Pacific Ocean grilled Salmon,peaches.I call them the "Aquilla and Priscilla " of Oregon.God bless em and continue to use them!
Next morning,Father's Day ...Man of God meditates,seeking.... before preaching The Word at Brownsville Mennonite Church.
We got to experience the baby dedication of 2 special couples whom we're friends with their parents,so here's a picture for the Florida Detweiler Grandparents who couldn't make it!
Duane's family ministering thru tears and joy as they did each evening,for others lives to be watered by.
Yep,this shows a little of the Jolly heart that our dear Host Margaret has as they enjoy life on the planes of their Oregon Farm.She allowed our whole family to ride her "Bike".
Then we celebebrated Kyle's 14 th birthday on the road,which Larry took all the men and children to neat Airplane waterpark and museum for the day.
We appreciate the unique qualities,personality and Gifts God has give Kyle..he's our quiet mystery we're trying to uncover clues to what all God's calling is for him.We love you Kyle!
Back to some more coast pics....
Yep,that's my Job.Adore Him.
This is something I did not teach him.
She writes a love message to her mother... a priceless moment.
And to her Father whom she's trying to trust with everything in her heart,with the encouragement of the older ladies in her life although we understand Daddies are just a bit" scarier" than mommies sometimes.
If she wants it, he will help her" Guard her Heart".
Oh,and this is another darling little churchhouse that Larry & Margaret"s church family moved into after another local denominationhad to shut their doors,it even has the church bellfry rope hanging right down to the stage, it was all Grace could do to keep from pulling it.
Sunday evening, Right before we're up to go lead the singing and do a drama,the scene in the foyer. Do they have a mother? Yes.Was she looking? Trying not to.Were they listening? umm..noo..And, Thankfully they had no late commers sneaking in the back.
Doing laundry and all the ironning at margaret's house where I can spread out...
While The men do Motorhome maintenance in Larry's Garage and Derek waves to Grace up in the Plane ride,which Larry's giving each one of them.
This is an at least weekly job,in the dusty areas,more at times,but Dave is sure enjoying the helping hands these days.As you can see Duanes stopped in here at Larry's as well a couple times,although Duane had a lot of relatives around they were catching up with as fast as they could.
On the way to the coast had needed to mail an envelope and get milk,"The Walton"s?...:) yes,it was the area post office,general store,Info center etc all in one,and inside; yes 2 were sitting at a table chatting and playing,not sure if it was checkers or ....prov. kind of like "Tinyburg" where life's a little slower.The only difference was their response to Jesus" Name was not one of excitement.
God did answer our prayers in unasked needs so much during these weeks,Thanks to all who were praying.Two ways that were so personal to me was;I had asked Him to give me opportunities to be his representative to the unreached as we travel in whatever way He wanted me to .And 2 real meaningful encounters with people that were needing Him and searching happened in a Goodwill and a Fred Myers grocery Isle where we had ministry and prayer time right there.
Another, on a personal love gift from the Lord,only He knew that I had struggled with leaving our unripened Raspberries in the backyard fior the birds to eat while we ere gone this summer and when someone handed us a gallon Freezer bag full! of nice,ripe, red Raspberries,I worshipped within with tears,as I magnified Him for His personal care and Huge Unmerited Love for me.Us!
Till I get more time....Ruth Ann
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