Embracing Womanhood 2017
Naomi,Viv and their drama team (Rosa and Jennifer in this one ) give us our "daily dose of laughter medicine"!
Brother Nelson has the opening prayer of dedication for the Conference.
"One on one with a new friend sharing time" and reuniting with old friends are favorite memories each one cherishes after we all part are ways to our callings again.
Everyone hearts were warmed and inspired by our Guest speaker, Jackie Kenaston!
Speaking life into each other is huge need met for us women.
Registratation and accountant ,Rachel Raber and Gospel Express secretary, Rhonda along with others taking care of much behind the scenes hours of administration.
Hats off to our daughter, Deborah and The decorating Team who worked hardest the week(s) leading up to the conference! Deborah found it so rewarding as she saw the first groups of excited ladies streaming thru the front doors, she looked at me with tired but gratefully relieved and elated tears , saying" they're actually coming!" Now,signs to be written revealing great menus, where to go for what, etc.The atmosphere is important for theses women who need refreshment and pampering.

Sarah sharing on "Shattered Dreams".
When Sarah stretches us to make a new connection and sharing and pray for each other.
During the last break Friday afternoon solo time is encouraged with the Lord.
Photo Booth fun.The Ecclesia group and all they had up their sleeves; Other than red gloves and serenading "one of their own" in the powder room late one night. I was a witness.
Friday night was open Sharing and Ministry time.
Anointing and prayers for healing.
Unity in the Spirit. "We felt Your Bond of Love, Lord." Hallelujah. Grateful for all the time and prayer that was put into our times of Worship and coming before Him.
"Come unto Me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden"...or just come and sit at His feet.
Many behind the scene people cheerfully make it all work.
Jackie had her own props and illustrations that made us laugh and open our hearts.
Headaches,Heartaches and Hormones and how our Lord meets us, in them.
As Twila Paris would sing," I never get tired of watching You! Lord.We stood amazed in the Presence of Him who spoke gently, yet very specifically to a multitude of us women who sought Him in faith."He is worthy to receive all our praise!"
Ruth Ann Miller saying thank you! for all the help and support from the dear saints at Gospel Express Ministries and Foothills Community Chapel.
wow, great post