Monday, August 18, 2014

Steve Hurst Schol of Music

We felt this was the year for the Miller family to embark on School of Music, but some things came up and it didn't seem to be working out. 
 We thought, "Okay, the Lord has something else in mind." 
But then He began to work out the details and Father came home one night with the news that we will, after all, be attending the Steve Hurst School of music along with our dear Bontrager family! 

And so we went, knowing very little of what to expect… just seven people in a bus, ready to sing and be stretched. 
We did sing…a lot. 
And we were stretched… a lot.  

Breathing technique class with Mr. Hurst. :) 
How we loved our choir directors. 
Private lessons. Here we have Kathy Woodland who gave us inspiring Chinese, singing tips. :)
( Insert mental picture of noses scrunched, eyebrows raised, and mouths open crazy wide.) 
Our dear Bontragers singing in the evening service one night. We were sporting as the Biggest Fan Club. :)
Evening services were just wonderful. 

Mark Trammel Quartet. 
 Performance class (In which one sings for your group in the school and allows critiquing to commence.) 
Breathing exercises hit the floor. :)
Singing in one of the evening services. I don't know that I've ever experienced the peace of God so richly mingled with a body shaking with nerves. :) 
The Erwins singing during the beautiful Communion services on the last day. 

The Girls.
 Fun fact: I was asked if I was the mother. Ahem. 
OUR VERY LAST PRIVATE LESSON! We loved all our instructors so much and learned incredible thing from each of them. However, when the last class was done and all that was left was Graduation, I rather jumped up and down in celebration. :) 
Mr. Steve Hurst. We were so blessed by his humility and sincerity throughout the week. 
Miss Shanon sang a beautiful solo during the graduation ceremony. 
We loved Tribute Quartet as instructors and singers. 
Mr. Gary. 

Farewells and photos. 
The guys with Tribute. 

 We felt so, so privilege to attend the School and came away inspired in singing and our spiritual lives. 

 "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands
Come before His presence with singing." 
PS. 100:1


  1. ah, SO excited for your family that you got to attend this!!
    I want to go someday...=) Sounds amazing!

  2. This looks so fun... and challenging, in a good way! So glad that you were able to go. I enjoyed the photos. :)
